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Astro Bob

A calendar of the month's best and brightest astronomical sights.
After a long lull, meteors fly again in early May.
Wondering where the planets are? Here are directions to spot them.
You're already familiar with Orion's Belt and the Big Dipper. Why not add a ring to your star collection?


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Enjoy these photos from columnist "Astro" Bob King, shot off the coast of Mazatlan, Mexico.
Where will it be clear for the eclipse?
A calendar of the best nighttime — and daytime — sky events in April.
How eclipses happen, along with details on seeing the upcoming penumbral lunar eclipse.
Spring officially leaves the starting gate on Tuesday, March 19, at 10:06 p.m.
Mercury pokes its head out at eventide plus the latest on Comet Pons-Brooks.
This week the pointy crescent points us toward spring.
This returning comet is now visible in binoculars from decent skies. Here's a map and directions to find it.
A calendar of astronomical events that includes the return of a binocular-bright comet and a penumbral eclipse of the moon
It's made of a pancake-shaped cloud of dust that lies in the plane of the solar system out to just beyond the orbit of Mars.